
Unit 4: Multimedia Projects and The Quarantine Life

Unit 4: The Final Stretch Well, to start off here I wanted to discuss my final project for the semester. The multimedia platform that I chose was Instagram. I usually wanted to use the Highlight section on the app, but it would post my videos out of order. So, I improvised and decided to post my videos on my fan page. The project was mainly focused on the pop-punk band Waterparks. I wanted to try and promote the band since it is a career that I want to do in the near future here. I decided to challenge myself and try something I have never done before on my fan pager for Waterparks. Instead of posting picture edits, I decided to create video edits. I wanted to broaden my horizons and finally challenge myself and I never do that. I felt like it was a good thing to do because I never thought I could do it, but I can! It is is honestly a great feeling and it gives me confidence. I also wanted to focus on my audience as well because I was thinking "What would they want to expect fr

Unit 3: Wikipedia

Wikipedia About Wikipedia: Wikipedia has been around since 2001. Wikipedia is the place where you can get summarized information on a certain topic. On the Wikipedia page you can see what other users have attributed to the article. The users have added links to other Wikipedia pages and then a small link with a number to direct you to the bottom of the Wikipedia page on where you can see the sources the users have added at the bottom. What I Learned from Wikipedia: What I have learned from the online Wikipedia training's is that we can edit and add things in what is called 'My Sandbox'. Before we would have added our findings to the article that we have chosen, we could insert them in the 'My Sandbox' before were ready to add them to the actually article. This is a great place to edit your writing and whatever else you would like to add to the page. Example of  'My Sandbox' Next, is learning about the 'Talk Page'. This page i

Unit 2: Social Media Savvy

Unit 2 Social Media:       Social media has been apart of our daily lives for awhile now, but there are many ways that we can use social media for entertainment purposes and ways to make a living out of it, which sounds weird, but it is possible! The main social media applications we focused on in class was Instagram, Snapchat, WebToons, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Now, lets get into how we can use these applications and then learn how to show the story and what platform I picked.                          Instagram:        How we users can use Instagram is they can post pictures of themselves (called selfies), post pictures of their food, and travels. These are mostly the most popular types of photos on Instagram. The other features that you can do on Instagram is post videos, create stories, highlights (which are like stories, but appear on your profile), add multiple photos in a post, and go live on Instagram. Instagram is also well-known for users using hashtags (#) on

Unit 1

Unit 1 Memes: The first week that classes started we got to learn about memes. Memes are a way the new generation communicates. It is also a way to share comical images or GIFS. Now, for our first assignment for class was to make a meme about ourselves and it was a good start to the class because it got the class to see where our skills are. We also got to see the different type of meme formats (so the pictures for example) and where to find these images and how to create our memes. Most of my classmates did not include an image of themselves or anything about them, but some did. What I included was either my face or something I enjoyed as well as something that described me. I feel like it is really easy for me to create memes about myself because I am honestly a walking meme. Anyway, we also got to read articles on how the word "meme" became a thing. How the word “meme” became the word we all love and know today is from a biologist named Richard Dawkins

Top 10 Pop-Punk Bands Albums in the 2000's

The TOP 10 Pop-Punk Bands Albums: “I Fell in Love with the Bands at the Rock Show”: The bands here are bands I have chosen on which I thought were the superior bands in the pop-punk genre and the ones who have gain popularity over the years. This article will be focusing on the top 10 pop-punk albums throughout the 2000’s. Let's ROCK!       1.    Blink-182 Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (2001)                                  “The Rock Show” The kings of pop-punk. Blink-182 was probably your first pop-punk band that you have listened too. Blink-182 is that one band that makes you want to be on the movie Jackass because of how crazy these guys were.        2.    Sum   41  All Killer No Filler (2001) “In Too Deep” Sum 41 is also that type of band that makes you want to do crazy stuff. The song In Too Deep brings back those 2000’s memories where you’re in the car just jamming to the ready and when that song co