Unit 4: Multimedia Projects and The Quarantine Life

Unit 4: The Final Stretch

Well, to start off here I wanted to discuss my final project for the semester. The multimedia platform that I chose was Instagram. I usually wanted to use the Highlight section on the app, but it would post my videos out of order. So, I improvised and decided to post my videos on my fan page. The project was mainly focused on the pop-punk band Waterparks. I wanted to try and promote the band since it is a career that I want to do in the near future here. I decided to challenge myself and try something I have never done before on my fan pager for Waterparks. Instead of posting picture edits, I decided to create video edits. I wanted to broaden my horizons and finally challenge myself and I never do that. I felt like it was a good thing to do because I never thought I could do it, but I can! It is is honestly a great feeling and it gives me confidence. I also wanted to focus on my audience as well because I was thinking "What would they want to expect from me as a creator?" So, I decided to add some music from Waterparks. This would get some new audience members a feel for what the band sounds like. It is not a full song, but its a couple seconds of who the band looks like and sounds like.

Houston's Waterparks Coming to San Antonio for Aztec Theatre Show ...
Otto Wood (left), Awsten Knight (middle), Geoff Wigington (right)

Next, is about my audience. My audience is male and female. Age: 12-22. They can be fans of pop-punk, music, or people looking for some new music to listen to. Knowing who your audience is is a important because you need to get into the mindset of your audience and wonder what they would like and how to target them for anything related to music. 

Here is an example of my final project that I am super proud of. Now, I had an introduction video to show what my project would be about. Then the next three videos were about the band members (Awsten, Otto, and Geoff). In the captions I had six facts about the members and there were two facts in the videos as well. Then the other three videos were about the albums: Double Dare, Entertainment, and Fandom. In the captions, I have the track listing and I am talking about some of the tracks as well, so the audience can see if they want to check out any of those songs. Also in these videos, I added one popular single from each one of the albums, so the audience could get a feel and a listen for each album and see which album they would want to take a listen to. Then the final video was pictures of me meeting the band, meeting some cool friends, and my personal pictures from the concert in November 2019. I dedicated that video to the fans because they have welcomed me into the fandom and they have always been nice to me and I have made some forever friends from this band all over the world. 

This project was seriously one that I was dedicated to and one that I put so much time and effort into. I thought I would struggle more with this project, but I didn't. I took as much time as I needed and took some well-deserved breaks in between. Being in quarantine did not stop me from doing projects because it has motivated me to start them and finish them. I will be honest there were times that I felt like I had no motivation at all, but I had to keep telling myself that I can do this because it will all be worth it in the end. 

A New Life?

Well, life has been truly strange lately. With the world taking a turn it seems like, it sure is weird not being able to continue what we called "our daily lives". With being out of work for right now, I have so much time on my hands that it is weird to actually relax. We are so used to our busy lifestyles that we have forgotten what it is like to be home with family and actually have time for ourselves. This has honestly been a different time for all of us because it seems we are always on the go. It has made me question that this new sickness is maybe warning us that we are hurting the Earth or a sign that we need to actually come together as a human race and realize we need to change. We need to help one another. We need to be there for each other because we are all the same. We can change the world. We should not take life for granted because it is too short. Too much death is happening and we as a human race need to step up and help one another. It is time. This is a new time for all of us. So, please stay safe and remember this could be a lesson for us all. 

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