Unit 2: Social Media Savvy

Unit 2

Social Media:
     Social media has been apart of our daily lives for awhile now, but there are many ways that we can use social media for entertainment purposes and ways to make a living out of it, which sounds weird, but it is possible! The main social media applications we focused on in class was Instagram, Snapchat, WebToons, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Now, lets get into how we can use these applications and then learn how to show the story and what platform I picked.

Image result for instagram                        Instagram: 

     How we users can use Instagram is they can post pictures of themselves (called selfies), post pictures of their food, and travels. These are mostly the most popular types of photos on Instagram. The other features that you can do on Instagram is post videos, create stories, highlights (which are like stories, but appear on your profile), add multiple photos in a post, and go live on Instagram. Instagram is also well-known for users using hashtags (#) on the application because other users who look up the category you chose will see it on there. Also, it is a popular way to receive likes on there as well. You can also comment on posts and save posts as well. We have all heard of celebrities using Instagram as well. Well, they can also make money by posting advertisements and sponsoring brands. That is one of the easiest ways to make money through Instagram. You can also send Direct Messages (DM's) to your friends or users. You can send pictures and videos, share posts from other accounts, send GIFS, and you can also video call them as well and send voice memos.   
Me realizing I can post GIFS

Image result for snapchat                     Snapchat:

     Next, is Snapchat here. This fun, little application that came out in 2012 and it was the new way of communication and use of social media by sending pictures, and videos. The videos can be up to 60 seconds (1 minute) and you can either set your pictures that you sent from 1 - 10, or have no limits on them and create stories. You can also create Bitmojis (a character that resembles yourself) and send stickers of yourself to friends. You can also have a map on Snapchat that shows where you are and see the hotspots around you (where people are posting their stories mainly) and if you do not want to send your location, you can set it to what is called Ghost Mode. You can also play Snapchat games with your friends in the chat section, and send pictures/videos, voice memos, and stickers of your Bitmojis or other stickers. Snapchat is also another place where you can watch some news or other things in the 'Discover' section. 
Kyleigh's Bitmoji

Image result for webtoons                   WebToons: 

      WebToons is a place where artists can come together and posts their art and create comics for other artists and other users as well. You can view many types of genres: horror, romance, comedy, etc. You can also subscribe to your favorite stories and never miss whenever they come out. 

Image result for youtube             YouTube:

     YouTube is another huge social media platform that has blown up over the years. YouTube is where you could post videos. You could create almost any type of content you wanted. The most popular types of content that come to my mind are: gaming, DIY, and makeup tutorials. There are so many other types of content out on YouTube that it is insane. Many users can get money by using YouTube depending on how many videos they post a week, how views and likes they get, and how many subscribers they get. Sometimes it even depends on the content they make too. Another way users make money is promoting or getting advertisements on their videos. There was a time on YouTube where users called it the "Adpocalypse" because of how many users had ads on before and during the video. 

Image result for twitter                     Twitter:

     Twitter is another huge social media platform where users post relatable tweets or what is going on in their daily lives. It is mostly like a venting platform. Users can use hashtags, post pictures, videos, and GIFs on their posts. There is a word count though, which causes users to create threads of their tweets. Users can also "retweet" (reshare) a post onto their profile or add something of their own on that tweet (which would appear above it). Users can then what is trending around the world in the discover section. Users can also DM on there. Most of the content on Twitter is political views, politicians tweeting, and celebrities trying to get their words out too.

Image result for twitch                           Twitch:

     Twitch is one of the newest social media platforms. This is where people who like to go live, can do what is called streaming. Twitch is mainly used for gaming, but there is other types of content as well. Twitch is where the person goes live and other people around the world can watch them play or just interact with the user. Users can also comment and donate to the users as well.  Twitch is also another way users can get paid depending on how much they stream, what their content is, and how many views they get.

        Instagram Story:

     The platform I picked to do my story on was Instagram because I thought it would be easier to showcase the pictures on there and it would be easy to follow along. (View story here: tdg.4.life) The story I chose to do was on one of my favorite bands: Three Days Grace. The first post I did was about the band, so the members (their names, where they came from), and then what they played in the band and then what the meaning of the bands name means. The second post was about their albums with their first lead singer, Adam Gontier, was in. Then the third post was a continuation of the second post on the albums and the most popular singles were and what was going on with Adam Gontier during one of the albums. The fourth post was about their new lead singer, Matt Walst, and what albums he was featured on and the popular singles off those two albums. Then the last post was about the fans. It is a dedication post for them because without them the hard rock genre would not exist anymore.

Instagram Story preview 
