Unit 3: Wikipedia



About Wikipedia:

Wikipedia has been around since 2001. Wikipedia is the place where you can get summarized information on a certain topic. On the Wikipedia page you can see what other users have attributed to the article. The users have added links to other Wikipedia pages and then a small link with a number to direct you to the bottom of the Wikipedia page on where you can see the sources the users have added at the bottom.

What I Learned from Wikipedia:

What I have learned from the online Wikipedia training's is that we can edit and add things in what is called 'My Sandbox'. Before we would have added our findings to the article that we have chosen, we could insert them in the 'My Sandbox' before were ready to add them to the actually article. This is a great place to edit your writing and whatever else you would like to add to the page.

Example of  'My Sandbox'

Next, is learning about the 'Talk Page'. This page is where you can interact with other Wikipedians and where you can ask questions on what to add and to voice your opinion on what you think needs to be changed or added to the page that you have chosen. This is a great place to get your ideas out there and to see what others think about it. 

Example of a 'Talk Page'

What we have also learned is how to determine plagiarism or not, but again we have learned that throughout our high school and college careers and then we learned how to add citations to a Wikipedia page. The most reliable sources for a Wikipedia page are literature reviews, textbooks, and books/publications.

The picture at the bottom here is an easy way on how to cite the sources you have found. You can find this in your Sandbox where you can practice your citations.



Here we have the HTML code for how to add your sources in the Wikipedia article. 

How I Felt About this Crash Course:

What I felt about this course was it was beneficial to learn more about Wikipedia and how to use it. It was also helpful to learn about how we can use it for the greater good for our society. It is a great way to learn how we can all use one cite to bring people together who like the same things and want to post certain things they care about and what all people should know about a certain topic and how to use it correctly. 

I do feel like this course was a bit difficult too because of how to find our sources and to find out what we wanted to add to the article. Personally, I felt like I should have picked a different article that did not have a lot to it because for the Slasher Films, I felt like it had everything it needed and deciding whether to add a section to the page would have caused so much confusion for people and that it should have been maybe on a new page or on that certain slasher films page maybe. The other concern I had was seeing my classmates could have fallen behind and some not understanding some of the training's or what to do next. I felt like some of us were overthinking this course.

If we had more in-class time, I felt like we would have understood it more, but maybe next year more students can learn more about how to use Wikipedia! 
