
Showing posts from April, 2020

Unit 4: Multimedia Projects and The Quarantine Life

Unit 4: The Final Stretch Well, to start off here I wanted to discuss my final project for the semester. The multimedia platform that I chose was Instagram. I usually wanted to use the Highlight section on the app, but it would post my videos out of order. So, I improvised and decided to post my videos on my fan page. The project was mainly focused on the pop-punk band Waterparks. I wanted to try and promote the band since it is a career that I want to do in the near future here. I decided to challenge myself and try something I have never done before on my fan pager for Waterparks. Instead of posting picture edits, I decided to create video edits. I wanted to broaden my horizons and finally challenge myself and I never do that. I felt like it was a good thing to do because I never thought I could do it, but I can! It is is honestly a great feeling and it gives me confidence. I also wanted to focus on my audience as well because I was thinking "What would they want to expect fr