
Showing posts from February, 2020

Unit 2: Social Media Savvy

Unit 2 Social Media:       Social media has been apart of our daily lives for awhile now, but there are many ways that we can use social media for entertainment purposes and ways to make a living out of it, which sounds weird, but it is possible! The main social media applications we focused on in class was Instagram, Snapchat, WebToons, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Now, lets get into how we can use these applications and then learn how to show the story and what platform I picked.                          Instagram:        How we users can use Instagram is they can post pictures of themselves (called selfies), post pictures of their food, and travels. These are mostly the most popular types of photos on Instagram. The other features that you can do on Instagram is post videos, create stories, highlights (which are like stories, but appear on your profile), add multiple photos in a post, and go live on Instagram. Instagram is also well-known for users using hashtags (#) on